Doki Doki Garden
Doki Doki Garden is a game about loss, gardening, and the totally real Cosmic Law of Attraction.
You play as someone who's recently lost the love of their life; by carefully selecting what to say to the plants growing on their grave, you can help them reach the stars, and spread your Soulmate's personality to the rest of the Cosmos...
{DESKTOP VERSION PREFERRED - Web version has some bugged fonts}
This game was made in a couple of days for GMTK Jam 2024 by:
Jessica Mauer @jessemauer - Art
Gustavo Longhi @guti230594 - Programming
Lucas "Razvra" @razvra - Writing and Music
Other assets used:
"Thought Bubble" icon pack from https://icons8.com/icon/tLQa4QLee2Zo/thinking-bubble
"Time Icon" icon from https://icons8.com/icon/9KN4ks2TSOqp/time
"Thunder" UI pack from https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/cartoon-lightning-sprite-animation-effect-game-ui_51142898.htm
"Water Drop" animation frames from https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/organic-flat-element-animation-frames_13818853.htm
Extra sounds from Freesounds: https://freesound.org/people/macdaddyno1/sounds/352612/
Itim font https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Itim?classification=Handwriting
Install instructions
To play, simply extract the .zip file (you can use 7zip, which is free) and run the .exe file.
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